Growing Up

Adulthood is fun because there are so many surprises… Like when will I sleep next? Will my card be declined this time? And is it all worth it?

2 min readNov 30, 2023
The image was created with DALL-E

While as a child you wish you could eat the whole carton of ice cream, as an adult you wish you hadn’t eaten it all.

As a kid, you think everything people say is true. As a teenager, you think everything you make up is true. But as an adult, you realize: nobody really knows shit.

So it’s no wonder that kids want to be teenagers as soon as possible, and adults want to be teenagers again. Basically, everyone wants to be a teenager except teenagers. Maybe because most of them feel that school is a prison… Until you leave it and realize that you’ve been in a social oasis with hundreds of other teenagers your age that you’ll never experience again.

Okay, schools are not perfect either, because they teach you that art is subjective, for example, but then they grade you based on how “good” your art is. Moreover, even universities don’t always make people smarter, sometimes they just produce well-educated idiots.

As a child you think: all adults are smart and trustworthy. But as an adult, you realize that most adults are at least idiots, with their own stupidity… Maybe we should stop telling…




People think I am hiding in the darkness, however, the fact is I am the darkness, that one that can show you the light with full of colors.