How to Use Your Overthinking Personality in Business

2 min readDec 8, 2023

Moreover, what makes a good client is

When I am talking with clients and we are planning a system, I always try to think ahead. This is not a challenge for me because I tend to overthink, making it instinctive to generate hypothetical scenarios. This quality proves very advantageous in the business world since I typically have a plan ready for execution by the time a client presents an idea.

One of my favorite clients once asked me:

You are ahead of everyone, or just ahead of me?

Typically, I am ahead of everyone else, but I had to learn three important things to cope with this. If you tend to overthink things, these tips will be especially useful to you:

  1. First and foremost, only offer help when asked for it..
  2. Be patient and allow the person to come to the realization on their own.
  3. Learn to accept it when they dosn’t 😀

The first point was the hardest for me, but the following story helped me get the idea:

Created with DALL-E

A man traveling by train asks the ticket collector what time the train stops at the next station. “Sir, we don’t stop at the next station.”
“But I have to get off there!”
“Well, there is one thing I can do. The train slows down a little at the




People think I am hiding in the darkness, however, the fact is I am the darkness, that one that can show you the light with full of colors.